Build2Morrow does not collect information from users which is not supplied voluntarily through web forms and emails. Any information received will not be shared with anyone unless expressly requested by you, the client. Build2Morrow does not sell or reveal information to third parties except as is warranted for the purpose of booking and holding dinner and or hotel reservations.

Build2Morrow warrants to you that Build2Morrow shall use its reasonable endeavors to provide the services with reasonable care and skill and, as far as reasonably possible. Build2Morrow will use reasonable care in selecting the restaurant and hotel and ensuring that your reservation is placed in accordance with your wishes. 

Build2Morrow will book your event at one of the restaurants and/or hotels identified in the list provided. Build2Morrow’s ability to book your reservations will depend upon the amount of advance time we are provided to make your reservation. Restaurant and hotel availability is outside the control of Build2Morrow; and, every effort will be made to make the reservations you indicate you want. At times, dates and venue may need to be substituted and changed. You will be notified of any such changes. Many venues requiring a credit card be placed when the reservation is made in order to hold your reservation. Build2Morrow will use the credit card you indicate you want to use. 

Once booked and if you are not able to use the reservation made on your behalf, you are responsible for the expenses that may be incurred. Some restaurants and hotels hold a credit card on file and will charge it if the reservation is not canceled within their allowed and specified time. It is the client’s responsibility to follow the guidelines and policies of the venue in which reservations are held. 

Build2Morrow will book your event and provide you with several options from which you can choose. We will allow one change in booking without additional cost to you. If after one change, additional changes are required, Build2Morrow will place a second charge of $299 for concierge services on your credit card. Build2Morrow has made every effort to ensure that the restaurant and hotel suggestions provide quality service and experience. Build2Morrow cannot and does not, however, vouch for these venues. Build2Morrow will bill your credit card at the time the service is purchased and will, with your approval provide the venue holding your reservation, your credit card information so that they can hold your reservation for you. 

Build2Morrow accepts no liability for any losses or claims arising from any harm, illness or misfortune that may have occurred by using either the restaurant or hotel booked for your event.
Payment Terms & Conditions Client Responsibilities:
All services are fully paid in advance by credit card.

- Should a reservation be canceled, and a credit card is on hold with the venue booked, Build2Morrow will diligently work to make necessary changes; however, if the change comes after the time allowed by the venue, the expense is encumbered by the client.

- One reservation change is permitted within the payment terms of this agreement. Should additional changes be required, Build2Morrow will charge an additional Concierge Service fee of $299.  All hotel and restaurant expenses are the responsibility of the client. Build2Morrow Responsibilities:

- Build2Morrow will work very hard to book the venue of your choice on the date of your choice. There are times, however, that venues may be fully booked and an alternative venue will be used. The client will be notified of any modifications to venue booking that are required.

- Build2Morrow is not responsible for the quality of the food, service, or experience. Build2Morrow works with highly recommended venues. Any changes made in the quality of service and/or food by the venue are not the responsibility of Build2Morrow. We welcome feedback. Should there be quality or service problems, Build2Morrow will follow-up and may determine to eliminate a particular venue from its list of options if their findings of the situation warrant.
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